Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Smith Wallis - Basta Parsons. Steel Window Fittings.

Well, the first series of posts on this blog were all about the history of Cavendish Hardware.

Sadly, this post is about the demise of a long established company, that have been around for almost 100 years and I have been dealing with them for almost 35 of those years, Smith Wallis.

Smith Wallis Steel Window Fittings, produced a whole range of handles, stays, catches hinges, etc, for use on standard steel window sections.
The older sections, Medium Universal/Medium Standard, F Section (SMW Section) and the later W20, W40 sections - all of these were made into casements, pivots and doors, with the aid of Smith Wallis fittings.
This is the cover of one of one of my well used catalogues - almost 40 years old!

I can still clearly recall my trip around the Highgate Works, in the 80's - a hive of industry.

Fast forward to 2016 and as a Smith Wallis Stockist, our shelves are starting to resemble a supermarket, when the truckers have a dispute - without the truckers and their trucks, the shelves are bare.

At the time of writing, I can't say that I am entirely sure as to what is going to happen, only time will tell.

We still have stock of some of the items at the moment and will move forward with other parts that are available for steel window sections but for now, we have to assume that Basta Parsons/Smith Wallis, are with us no more.

These are images of some of their range.

It is sad that yet another one of the established window fittings companies have left us.

If you want to give us a call, we are on 0116 2742195 or Fax: 0116 2461545 or drop us a line on email.

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