Thursday 4 May 2017

May the 4th be with you!

It's an old gag, but still makes me chuckle!!

May is here and this is the sketch for May!!


It can't be that difficult!
How many times have I heard that.

If you are a saddler, making a saddle is what you do all day, so the difficulty becomes less and less as time goes by.
Same applies to surgeons, acrobats, any skill at all.

This case was a householder whose insurance company wanted him to beef up his security and fit locks to his Crittall/Steel Windows.

Well, after having a go and giving up, this was pretty much the sight that met us!
Broken glass, several half attempted holes, kit everywhere and a bandage to stem the bleeding!

We had the obligatory "it looks quite easy when you were doing it" but then again, it is when you have got the skills and you apply them regularly . . . . .

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